
Contemporary History

Posted: Wednesday October 06 2021 @ 11:35am

Category: Political

The philosophy of Darwinian evolution has infiltrated almost every aspect of our society today. The idea that anything gets better or improves over time, taints the outlook or interpretation of just about everything. Take history, for example. Historians, at least the ones that write our text books, believe that we can better the facts of history by retelling it with "modern" ways of thinking and belief. In other words, what was actually recorded in history at the time of its event cannot be as accurate as when we look at it with hind-sight and new, improved thinking.

What nonsense!! Since when has "not being there" been a more accurate record than that of eye witnesses? The changes of recorded history over the last decades is inexcusable and just out-right ludicrous. Yet, this is the stance of modern-day educators: "We know more about what our forefathers and founders meant than they did."

Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and others have gone from respected, moral men of common sense, integrity, and visionaries, to demented, social intolerant individuals who never put a coherent word together on their own in their life. Where does this stuff come from? The targets of this rewritten history campaign seem to be anyone who makes a socialist of today look immoral, self-serving, and just plain foolish. It seems that if our political leadership can discredit the founders of this nation, then they feel they have the "duty" to redefine it. And if those individuals of our society want to justify their behavior as acceptable today, then they need to pick apart and destroy the very foundation of our country so they can feel better about themselves.

It is not old-fashioned to leave history intact! To teach history in an accurate and unmodified form is called honesty. But, of course, this is one of the very virtues of history that is being squashed. Lying, or bending the truth, is a much more acceptable behavior today.

I have a set of volumes in my library called "The Annals of America." These books contain copies of the original speeches, letters, diaries, correspondence, and logs of noted individuals throughout the history of this nation. The content of these documents often contradict what is being taught in the classroom. When my children have brought this to the attention of the instructor, instead of correcting the historical teaching, my kids are labeled "intolerant", and old-fashion in their thinking. So let me get this straight--if the recorded record disagrees with modern ways of thinking, then it is intolerant and old-fashioned, and should be changed. No wonder our nation is disintegrating into chaos. We are aiming at absolutely nothing and hitting it everytime.

Recently, there is group of educators in Texas that are trying to set the record back to the eye-witness facts. These individuals are being blasted with claims that they are "trying to rewrite history!!" The accusers have been doing that very thing for decades, and now they want to pin it on those who are trying to set the record straight. Maybe we should look into their claim. We might find even more material needing to be fixed by historical standards. Perhaps the lament of this Darwinian group will have just the opposite affect they wish and open the eyes of the people to the flaw in what has been taught as history for the last 40 years.

I'm Been Franklin


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